Discover the main stages in the history of Benjamin Moore.

Moore Brothers is founded in Brooklyn, New York, with one product, "Moore's Prepared Calsom Finish," and a commitment to sell its paints through independent retailers.
Muresco® offers a new level of reliability and ease of application and becomes one of the most popular ready-mix paints on the market, available in colors and tints that can be customblended.
Benjamin Moore & Co. hires its first chemist and establishes its research department.
Played by a series of actresses, the character of Betty Moore provides friendly decorating advice over the radio from the 1930s to the 1960s.
Regal® Wall Satin® Latex Interior Paint is introduced. The DIY decorating market grows as consumers use this easier-toapply waterbased latex paint.
Regal® Aqua Velvet®, a lowgloss latexbased paint, is launched. It gives a finish akin to eggshell coupled with excellent scrubbability. An industry first.
In commemoration of the United States Bicentennial, and in collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS) Benjamin Moore creates its Historic Colors Collection, an interpretation of colors from the archives of the NPS and its historic house sites.
Moore's® Computer Color Matching System is introduced, another industry first. Benjamin Moore retailers can now match the color of any sample. No longer is color choice limited to chips.
Benjamin Moore & Co joins the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies.
Benjamin Moore & Co undertakes a major retail development initiative leveraging the unique attributes of the local Independent Retailer. The Signature Store Program, designed to create a world class shopping experience, is launched.
Regal® Matte merges great colors, a flat sheen, and carefree application with a level of durability, a proprietary stainrelease resin, imperceptible touch-up, and scrubbability never before available.
Color Lock® technology is our future. Our new Aura® paint and water-borne colorant system sets the gold standard for VOC compliance; color matching; fast, easy application; durability; and performance.