The right paint or stain FOR YOUR PROJECT
Whether you color the deck, reinvent an interior space, or paint everything outside, we craft a Benjamin Moore paint or stain that's right for your project.
Corotech® Waterborne Primers
Tough use-specific primers with good bonding and easy water-based clean-up.
Fresh Start® Premium Interior Primers
A complete line of interior premium primers deliver the exceptional adhesion and holdout required for a smooth and durable topcoat.
Stix - Adherent water-based primer
L'apprêt adhérent à base d'eau Stix est un scellant acrylique possédant une capacité d'adhérence incomparable sur les surfaces les plus récalcitrantes, notamment : carreaux lustrés, PVC, plastique, verre, blocs émaillés, peinture lustrée, parement enduit d'un revêtement d'usine, fibres de verre et métaux galvanisés.
Eco Spec Premium Interior Primer
Eco Spec premium interior primer is Benjamin Moore's greenest primer.
Benjamin Moore® professional primers are designed to meet every priming challenge and set every professional painter up for success.
Fast Sanding Primer
An acrylic formula that sands to a powder after only one hour, yielding a smooth base coat that is ideal for an ultra-smooth top coat.