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Our most popular pinks


roses populaires Benjamin Moore
Discover our most popular Pinks



What room do you primarily think about when you hear "pink walls"? Yes, this is a classic choice, in general, for little girls' rooms. Regardless, it is also very suitable for living rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms.

Doctors note that with pink walls, people feel peace, their sleep becomes more regular, and appetite improves.

Since pink is associated with sweet taste in people's minds, its excess can seem disgusting. Hence, it is best seen as an accent color. But, if you still want to make it dominant, it is better to go for pastel shades.



If it is dark pink, it will create a rapprochement effect in the room. This color is used to create an intimate atmosphere.

It goes great with white, beige and soft pastel tones.

"To see life in pink" make this expression your own with pink color that associates with tenderness and happiness!